Film Traffic
iOS and Android App | Freelance Work
Personal Role: Product Ideation, Wireframes, User testing, Final UI, Rapid Prototyping
The Challenge: with thousands of movies available online to stream, actually choosing which movie to watch becomes a major pain point.
FilmTraffic is attempting to address the widespread epidemic of how to select a film to watch. FilmTraffic’s main product is a “Visual Discovery” feature which helps users to identify recommended videos and discover high-quality films available across streaming video libraries. The feature is structured where users quickly answer preference-matching surveys, clicking on key-frames from movies to visually browse based on the user’s mood and viewing context. This engagement and information exchange could offer us a number of paths toward user information, where targeted advertising can help the venture generate revenue.
Browse Endlessly: The Onion parody
With data suggesting users spend on average 7 minutes before making a streaming movie selection, even The Onion has picked up on this issue. As humorously depicted in the article above, the experience of scrolling past the same thumbnails over and over is a real UX issue. The core UX question that we wanted to test with FilmTraffic is "Can we give users another option beyond a scrolling grid of movie posters?"
Streaming services typically use a foreboding grid of thumbnail images -- FilmTraffic wanted to explore new territories
With services like Netflix or Amazon Prime, the user logs in and is given a grid of suggestions without any input. The central hypothesis for the FilmTraffic app and product was to see if users were willing to spend 60 seconds of effort to give better, more targeted selections. More information below:
UX Development
Initial UX goal to test: Quick Discover Feature that suggests 6 targeted movies in 60 seconds. This is primarily achieved by quick questionnaires about current mood, number of people, etc. and then using actual movie screenshots in results.
Learning process: design adjustments after user testing (sample)
A new way to discover streaming content.
Outside Credits // Philip Gara: Business plan, co-founder // Joshua Jow: Software developer for prototypes.
Due to an NDA, not all information shared publicly.